The Salary of Orthodontists
National Average
The average national annual salary for an orthodontist is $206,190. This works out to an hourly wage of $99.13. Orthodontists in the bottom 10th percentile make an average of $102,150 a year, while those in the 90th percentile made a minimum of $166,400.
Dentist Offices
Dentist offices employ the vast majority of orthodontists--a whopping 97 percent. Here, their average hourly wage is $100.44, which works out to an annual salary of $208,910.
Sometimes hospitals will employ an in-house orthodontist to deal with medical emergencies of the mouth, such as teeth that have been knocked out during an accident. The average annual salary of an orthodontist in a hospital is $113,580, meaning they bring in $54.61 an hour.
Physicians' Offices
A minority of orthodontists work in a doctor's office. They're also the lowest paid of all orthodontists in the top three categories of employment, raking in just $100,260 annually, or $48.20 an hour.