How to Determine if Teeth Need Braces
Look at the teeth closely in order to determine if braces are needed. Overlapping teeth that crowd each other are difficult to clean, even for a dental hygienist. Adults may want to correct the problem with braces, not just for cosmetic reasons, but to keep teeth as healthy as possible. Teeth that overlap are difficult or even impossible to floss properly, especially for children. Plaque builds up between teeth, causing decay.
Check for signs of an overbite in order to determine if teeth need braces. If the front teeth protrude over the bottom teeth, not allowing the teeth to align when they are clenched together, this may be an overbite.
Test to see if there may be a possible underbite as another way to determine if teeth need braces. In this case, the bottom teeth will protrude, extending forward beyond the upper teeth. If the teeth can't be clenched together evenly on top and bottom, this may indicate the need for braces or possibly some other form of dental care.
Determine if teeth need braces as early as possible for children. While adult dental problems can be treated with braces, it's usually easier to start care early in life. Proper alignment of teeth can help prevent tooth decay and gum disease. Getting braces to correct the alignment of teeth can improve the ability to chew properly, thus aiding in healthy digestion.