How to fix gaps in your teeth by different cosmetic dentistry options
Things You'll Need
- Dental procedures
- Braces are a possibility
- Teeth Bonding is a possibility
- Porcelain Veneers is also a possibility
Porcelain Veneers ~ they are custom made porcelain facings that are provided to give the front of your tooth a new surface. The purpose of veneers is to give you a natural looking tooth that is a desired shape and look. They are used for fixing spaces, crocked teeth, whitening, an making your smile look beautiful.
Bonding ~ It is a procedure in cosmetic dentistry that is used to fill gaps or fix chips in teeth. It is a composite resin filling that is placed on the back and the front of the tooth fixing any dental problem that you may have. Whether it is a gap, stain, crocked tooth, any natural flaw that you want fixed bonding is a good choice. They place a thin coat of plastic like material and then apply a bonding material and sculpt it to the desired new look. Finishing it up with a high-intensity light then hardens the plastic and then they polish it to make it look and feel natural. They last for between 7-11 years.
Braces ~ Braces can move your teeth closer together closing any gaps in between your teeth. There are different types of braces these days that are available to people of all ages. If this is your choose then you would want to see an orthodontist.
Whatever the option that best suits you keep in mind that the size of the gap might be of some concern. If it is quit a large gap then bonding might not be right for you. It would fill in making the front tooth appear odd and to big. So seeing you cosmetic dentist and going over your options is the best thing to do. Your dental insurance may cover this procedure as well so check with your insurance provider.