How do you know if cut a main artery?
1. Profuse Bleeding: A main artery carries a large volume of blood, so if it's cut, there will be rapid and profuse bleeding. The blood will likely be bright red and spurt out in a pulsating rhythm.
2. Loss of Consciousness: Severe blood loss can lead to a decrease in blood pressure, causing dizziness and fainting. If the bleeding is heavy, it can result in a loss of consciousness.
3. Pallor (Loss of Color): Pale or ashen skin, lips, and nail beds can indicate significant blood loss.
4. Weak Pulse: A weak or absent pulse on the affected side or body part is a sign that blood flow to the area is compromised.
5. Cold/Clammy Skin: As blood flow is reduced, the affected body part may feel cold and clammy due to poor circulation.
6. Pain: Cutting a main artery can cause severe pain in the affected area.
7. Swelling: The area around the injury may swell as the body tries to control the bleeding.
If you suspect that you or someone has cut a main artery, seek immediate medical attention. Call emergency services or get to the nearest emergency department immediately. Stopping severe bleeding is crucial, and it may require direct pressure, elevation of the affected area, and applying a tourniquet if the bleeding cannot be controlled by direct pressure.