Do guys like strapless or hook bras better on girls?
It is important to note that individual preferences can vary greatly, and what some men find attractive may not be the same for others. Some men may find strapless bras to be more appealing, while others may prefer hook bras or different styles altogether. It's not just about the bra type, but the overall look and fit that can make a difference in personal preferences.
Generally, strapless bras can offer a smoother, seamless appearance under certain clothing, such as strapless tops or dresses. This sleek silhouette may be aesthetically pleasing to some individuals. On the other hand, hook bras, which typically have adjustable straps, can provide better support and coverage, which some men might find more attractive.
It's worth mentioning that men's preferences are multifaceted and diverse, and they can be influenced by various factors, including cultural and societal norms, personal experiences, and individual tastes. What some men find attractive might differ from what others consider appealing. Ultimately, it's essential to respect and value individual choices and preferences regarding clothing and personal style, regardless of gender.