Should you get braces put on first and then have your wisdom teeth removed before they tighten the wires?
1. Surgical Complications: Wisdom teeth removal involves oral surgery, which can lead to swelling, discomfort, and discomfort in the mouth. This can make it difficult to properly care for your braces, maintain oral hygiene, and attend orthodontic appointments during the healing period.
2. Interrupted Treatment: If you have braces on during wisdom teeth surgery, it may be necessary to temporarily remove or adjust the braces around the surgical area. This interruption can delay your orthodontic treatment and prolong the time you need to wear braces.
3. Pain Management: After wisdom teeth removal, pain management may involve the use of certain medications or pain relievers. Some of these medications may interfere with the effectiveness of the orthodontic treatment.
4. Treatment Priorities: It's generally advisable to prioritize the most pressing dental concerns first. If your wisdom teeth are causing significant problems (such as impaction, infection, or severe pain), it's best to address those issues before starting orthodontic treatment.
5. Orthodontist and Oral Surgeon Coordination: For a successful treatment outcome, it's important to ensure proper coordination between your orthodontist and oral surgeon. They can discuss the best sequence of treatment, taking into account your specific needs and ensuring a smooth transition between procedures.
6. Long-Term Braces Treatment: Braces treatment typically takes an extended period, sometimes up to several years. If you undergo wisdom teeth removal during the course of your orthodontic treatment, it's important to consider how this might affect your overall treatment plan and timelines.
Therefore, it's generally recommended to address wisdom teeth removal either before starting braces treatment or to wait until the braces treatment is completed before having the wisdom teeth removed. Your orthodontist and oral surgeon can evaluate your individual situation and recommend the best approach for achieving optimal dental health and a successful orthodontic outcome.
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