How do they numb your teeth for getting braces?
1. Numbing Gel: A topical numbing gel, such as lidocaine or benzocaine, is applied directly to the gums and surrounding tissues where the braces brackets are placed. It works by temporarily blocking the nerve signals in the treated area, preventing the transmission of pain sensations to the brain.
2. Numbing Spray: Some dentists may also use a numbing spray to provide initial numbing before applying a topical gel. The spray contains similar anesthetic agents that temporarily desensitize the area.
Injections (Local Anesthesia):
Dentists may resort to injections of local anesthetic for individuals who require a deeper level of numbing, especially if pain sensitivity is a concern.
1. Local Anesthetic Infiltration: A small amount of local anesthetic is injected directly into the gum tissue around the specific teeth receiving braces. This creates a localized numbing effect, blocking nerve signals in the treated area and effectively managing pain during the procedure.
2. Nerve Block Injection: In some cases, a nerve block injection might be used. This involves injecting the anesthetic near a major nerve that provides sensation to a larger region of the mouth. It's typically used for more extensive orthodontic procedures or when other numbing techniques prove insufficient.
The choice between topical anesthetics or injections depends on the individual's pain sensitivity, the complexity of the procedure, and the dentist's preference. Before the procedure, your dentist will discuss with you the options and determine the most appropriate method to ensure your comfort throughout the treatment.