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Chew sugar gum with braces what should do?

If you have braces, you may want to avoid chewing gum, as it can damage your braces and wires. Gum can get stuck in the brackets and wires, which can make them break. It can also be difficult to clean gum out of your braces, which can lead to cavities and other problems.

Sugary gum can also increase the risk or oral health issues like tooth decay and gum disease and is best to be avoided.

If you do decide to chew gum, be sure to choose a sugar-free variety and chew it carefully. Avoid chewing gum for long periods of time and be sure to brush your teeth after chewing gum.

Here are some tips for chewing gum with braces:

* Choose sugar-free gum.

* Chew gum carefully and avoid chewing for long periods of time.

* Do not chew gum if you have loose or damaged braces.

* Be sure to brush your teeth after chewing gum.

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