How to Get an Orthodontic Loan With Bad Credit
Check with financial institutions for bad credit programs. Most don't advertise for these loans. Online loan providers such as Care Credit service loans for orthodontic treatment. They offer special financing, low monthly payment options, and no prepayment penalties. Apply online and get approved instantly before your card arrives.
Locate a dentist that includes payment plans as part of their financing options. Most times, dental centers ask for ten to 20 percent down of the total amount. Subsequent payments occur on a monthly basis until treatment ends. Check with your prospective dentist to inquire about requirements and restrictions.
Ask a family or friend to co-sign your loan. Ensure they fit the requirements for the lender such as high credit scores, stable job history and low monthly overhead. Convince them that payments will be made promptly every month on the due date.
Save money for your procedure. If all else fails, calculate the total amount due. Save a little each month or find a job to help pay for your braces. For example, sell some things online, get a part time gig or perform freelance work.