Army Regulations on Dental Braces
According to Army Regulation (AR) 40-501, orthodontic appliances, either removable or attached, are considered a medical disqualification for enlistment in the U.S. Army.
Remedial code R252.80, given by the Department of Defense's Medical Examination Review Board (DODMERB), states that "active orthodontic appliances for continuing treatment are not permissible at the time of entrance into a service academy or ROTC program."
Retainers are allowed if all "active" treatment by the orthodontist has been completed satisfactorily.
The orthodontist may be required to complete a form referencing the treatment status of an enlistee and verifying the date of treatment end. The enlistee's medical status is determined once the orthodontic questionnaire is received.
Army Insurance
The army offers TriCare dental insurance for active duty soldiers and their families. TriCare pays for up to $1500 toward orthodontic treatment for dependents and soldiers desiring braces for cosmetic reasons. If the army determines braces are medically necessary, it will pay for a soldier's braces.