What services does the organization Brace offer?
1. Early Intervention and Childhood Services:
- _Educational Services:_ Home and center-based early education programs to enhance development and readiness for school.
- _Therapeutic Services:_ Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), speech therapy, occupational therapy, and physical therapy.
2. School-Age Services:
- _Supportive Classrooms:_ Specialized classrooms and support for children with ASD who require a structured learning environment.
- _Resource Rooms:_ Support services for students within general education classrooms.
- _Itinerant Services:_ Specialists working directly with students in general education classrooms.
3. Adult Services:
- _Residential Programs:_ Supported and residential living services to help individuals learn independent living skills.
- _Supported Employment:_ Help with finding and maintaining employment.
- _Day Habilitation Programs:_ Skill development through supervised activities.
4. Community Services:
- _Social and Recreation Programs:_ Opportunities to engage in social activities and build relationships.
- _Family and Caregiver Support:_ Counseling, training, and support for families and caregivers.
5. Transition Services:
- _Transition Planning:_ Coordination of services and resources to help individuals transition to adulthood.
6. Advocacy and Training:
- _Advocacy:_ Legal, policy, and legislative advocacy for individuals with neurodevelopmental disabilities.
- _Training and Education:_ Workshops and training for professionals and families on understanding and supporting individuals with disabilities.
7. Research and Evaluation:
- _Evidence-Based Practices:_ Developing and evaluating innovative therapeutic interventions.
- _Program Evaluation:_ Measuring outcomes and effectiveness of programs and services.
8. Professional Development:
- _Internship Opportunities:_ Providing on-the-job training for professionals interested in working in the field.
- _Supervision:_ Clinical supervision for professionals providing services to individuals with neurodevelopmental disabilities.