What is the meaning of expression needles and pins?
The exact origin of the phrase is uncertain but it is commonly associated with the sharp discomfort caused by needles and pins, which are thin and pointed objects used in sewing or crafts. The expression has been used in literature and colloquial language for centuries.
- "I woke up this morning with a strange feeling of needles and pins in my arm." (Tingling sensation)
- "After hitting my elbow, I could feel needles and pins running down my arm." (Sharp, unpleasant sensation)
- "The dentist gave me an injection that left my lips feeling like needles and pins." (Numbness with a tingling sensation)
- "I couldn't move my leg; it was like I had needles and pins stuck in my muscles." (Severe discomfort or pain)
In addition to describing physical sensations, the expression "needles and pins" can also be used metaphorically:
- "I felt a pang of needles and pins in my heart when I heard the news." (Emotional pain or distress)
- "The anticipation of the upcoming event left me with needles and pins." (Nervous excitement)
Overall, "needles and pins" is a versatile expression used to capture a range of physical and emotional sensations characterized by a sharp, tingling, or numbing feeling.