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How long before gaps start to close once you get your braces My are about 3 mm and I my today 28 years old does this mean it will take longer or be quicker?

The rate at which gaps close between teeth after getting braces can vary based on a number of factors, including the individual's age, oral health, and the severity of the initial gaps. On average, smaller gaps, such as 3 mm gaps, may start to close within a few months of beginning orthodontic treatment. However, it is crucial to keep in mind that everyone's orthodontic journey is unique, and it's advisable to discuss your concerns and timeline with your orthodontist.

Your age may affect the speed at which your gaps close, but with consistent professional care and proper compliance with your orthodontist's instructions, you can achieve your desired dental alignment, regardless of your age. Be sure to follow your orthodontist's recommendations.

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