How to Put on Teeth Spacers in Properly
Things You'll Need
- TP spring spacers
- Ligature tie instrument
- Hemostats
Arrive at the scheduled appointment with the orthodontist. The orthodontist or the orthodontic assistant are the only people qualified to place separators between the teeth.
Relax while the orthodontist decides which spacers to apply to the teeth. The orthodontist will likely use elastic separators that look like tiny donuts, or TP springs. These are metal with what looks like a spring on the end.
Allow the orthodontist to place the separators in the mouth. If he is using elastic separators, he will use a ligature tie instrument that has ends that open upon squeezing. He will place the tip of the instrument in the hole of the spacer, squeeze the spacer to stretch it, and then slide it back and forth between the first and second molar, until one side of the donut pops through the tight contact -- point where two teeth touch -- and release the spacer. He will repeat this between the first molar and second bi-cuspid tooth so that both sides of the first molar have a separator. He will do this again in the other three quadrants of the mouth, making sure all four first molars have spacers.
Remain cooperative, if the orthodontist is using TP springs, and not elastic separators. This involves a hemostat to hold the spring end of the TP separator. She will slide the TP separator between the teeth like floss, with the open side of the TP separator toward the gum tissue.She will continue this until the TP spring pops in between the teeth encircling the contact point of the molar. She will then do this on the remaining three first molars.
Reschedule an appointment to return for the spacers to be removed and full braces to be put on.