List of Things Kids With Braces Can & Can't Have
A wide range of candy products are not good for braces due to their physical qualities. Sticky candies like gummy worms, fruit roll-ups, caramel and taffy are all foods that should be avoided. They can stick to the brackets or do even worse damage because they cause kids to alter the way they are chewing. Lollipops also present a problem if chewed on.
Braces leave teeth somewhat obstructed, so they are more sensitive to damage in areas covered by brackets and wires. This makes brushing a lot more difficult. To be safe, it is best to stay away from beverages like soda with a lot of sugar and acid. Even beverages like tea contain a lot of sugar and could present danger to a child's teeth.
Bread Products
While some bread products are perfectly acceptable, others are very tough and can break loose brackets, bands and wires because of the extreme biting and chewing they necessitate. Kids should make sure to simply leave the tough crust if they eat pizza, and avoid tough bread rolls and bagels. Even large pretzels can pose a threat to braces staying intact.
Kids should only eat soft, tender meat when they have braces. Much like other foods, tough meat or meat on bones causes kids to move their teeth and jaw around in positions that are not conducive to braces. Make sure kids stay away from chicken wings and overcooked meat. Kebabs, meat on a stick and beef jerky should also be avoided.
Fruits and Vegetables
Soft fruits and vegetables are okay, but others are dangerous with braces. Apples are a big problem because they are so hard to chew. Corn on the cob is also problematic, as corn is likely to get stuck everywhere in the brackets. To be safe, cut up all fruits and vegetables so that they can be eaten with a fork.