What Are iBraces?
Traditionally braces have been placed on the outside of teeth. While advances have been made to make the braces less obvious, their visibility on the outer surface of the teeth can be a cosmetic problem for some people. The concept behind iBraces revolves around hiding the braces on the inside of the teeth so they are unseen.
iBraces are promoted to people who need their teeth straightened but who may have concerns, professional or otherwise, about the appearance of braces. Other potential users include people who play contact sports, musicians who play wind instruments and anyone who worries about damage to the front surface of the teeth that might be caused by traditional braces.
Each set of iBraces is customized by 3M, based upon information supplied by an orthodontist. A computer assists in the process and ensures that each person receives his own individualized product.
Only orthodontists with special training can install iBraces. A list of approved providers can be found at the manufacturer's website. See References. That provider evaluates each patient to determine if he is a suitable candidate for iBraces, and, if not, then the provider will recommend a different type.