The Typical Cost of Braces
Dental braces move teeth into the ideal position, correcting ones that are crowded, protruding, crooked, misaligned or irregularly spaced. Tooth decay, gum disease and periodontal infections can be avoided with proper tooth alignment.
The cost of traditional braces ranges from about $5,400 up to $7,600, depending on the type of treatment and severity of the problem. For concealed, behind-the-teeth braces, add at least $2,000, and ceramic brackets are an extra $500. Clear plastic braces range from $3,500 to $5,000. Most dental insurance plans cover 50 percent of the cost, up to $1,500.
The ideal age for applying braces is between the ages of 8 and 14. An orthodontic evaluation should be done by age 7, when there's a good mix of baby and adult teeth. While the process of aligning teeth is the same for all ages, adult treatment may take longer.