Does My Kid Need Braces?
An examination by a licensed dentist is required to determine if your child requires braces. The dentist will check for crooked teeth and potential jaw problems, called a malocclusion, according to Kids Health.
Children under the age of 11 are usually not advised to get braces because minor problems, such as crowding, may fix themselves over time, according to BracesReview. Potentially serious problems, like skeletal issues, are easier to correct at a young age---even as young as 7---because the jaw is soft and more malleable than an adult jaw.
If your teeth have spacing problems, you may wait until your early 20s to get orthodontic treatment and not suffer any long-term damage, according to Dr. Timothy Wheeler, professor and chair of the department of orthodontics at the University of Florida. Even the toughest problems, such as underbites, are correctable at any age.