What can you do if have any pad or tampons?
- Use a cloth or towel. This can be wrapped around the body or used as a pad.
- Make your own pads. There are many tutorials available online and in books showing how to make pads out of different materials, such as cloth, cotton balls, and gauze.
- Use toilet paper. Toilet paper can be used as a pad or as a tampon.
- Use a menstrual cup. A menstrual cup is a small, flexible cup that is inserted into the vagina to collect menstrual blood.
- Use a menstrual disc. A menstrual disc is a small, flexible disc that is inserted into the vagina to collect menstrual blood.
- Go commando. This means not wearing any sanitary products at all. This may not be practical for all situations, but it can be an option for times when access to sanitary products is limited.