How to Use Dental Sealants to Prevent Cavities
Visit the dentist if you worry about yourself or your child getting cavities. Dental sealants are applied to permanent molars, so children without molars cannot benefit from dental sealants.
Set an appointment for sealants. The dental sealant procedure doesn't take too long and can be completed in one visit.
Make a child's appointment shortly after their first permanent molars appear, usually around six years of age. Children need dental sealants applied again when new molars emerge, usually around twelve years of age.
Brush your teeth thoroughly the day of your appointment. The hygienist cleans out the molars before applying sealants, but brushing first helps remove surface food.
Continue caring for your teeth by brushing and flossing daily after getting dental sealants. Dental sealants protect the surface of teeth, but they do not cover the spaces in between your teeth. Cavities can still form in between teeth if you neglect to properly care for them.
Have your dental sealants checked after five years and make sure they're still completely sealing the teeth. If they've started wearing off, have the dentist reapply them.