How to Locate a Tooth Cavity
Feel the pain. The easiest way to locate a cavity is to follow the pain. Once you have found the painful area, brush, floss, and follow the next several steps to pinpoint the cavity.
Follow the change in the bite. When your bite changes this is a sign of tooth decay. Search the area of the change with Steps 4 and 5.
Look for puffy red gums. The area around a tooth cavity will begin to swell. The swelling is due to the infection and should be treated immediately.
Search your teeth with a dental mirror. These can be found at any grocery or drug store. Look in the dental hygiene products area. Use the mirror to search behind the teeth. Look for a dark hole. The hole gets deeper as the bacteria burrow its way deeper into your dentin.
Use a Dental Scalars to feel around for holes in the tooth enamel. Use this metal pick the way the dentist use it. Go through each tooth, counting and poking in between and on the tooth. The thin pick shape fits between the teeth easier than the dental mirror. Feel your way through to find cavities.
Contact your dentist. Whether you have a cavity or something else, a dentist can tell you. The dentist can also help prevent tooth decay in the future.