How to Modify Diet to Prevent Cavities
Reduce the frequency of meals to prevent cavities. Each time you consume foods which contain carbohydrates, acids are released in the mouth to help you break down your food. The greater the frequency of eating, the greater the production of these acids which break down tooth enamel and speed decay.
Limit the amount of "sticky" foods in your diet. Sticky foods include sugary candies of course, but also include foods such as granola, chips and crackers which may stick to the teeth for long periods of time. The longer it takes for foods to dissolve in your mouth, the longer the opportunity for bacteria and acids to build up in your mouth, causing cavities.
Prevent cavities by limiting the starches in your diet. Starch is difficult for your body to break down, therefore the body quickly produces more of the acids in your mouth that help to break down food, but also cause cavities. Starchy foods that should be eliminated from your diet include potatoes, milk, corn sweeteners and refined sugar.
Increase the amount of fluoride in your diet to prevent cavities. Fluoride bonds to the tooth enamel, helping to prevent cavities. Fluoride can even reverse the decay of cavities in the early stages of development. While fluoride is commonly found in water and toothpastes, you can boost your supply by eating dark green leafy vegetables and drinking plenty of green tea.