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How do you know if material at your facility contains asbestos?

1. Know your materials.

* Asbestos was commonly used in a variety of building materials from the 1940s to the late 1970s. Some common materials that may contain asbestos include:

* Insulation

* Ceiling tiles

* Floor tiles

* Vinyl sheet flooring

* Roofing shingles

* Siding

* Pipe insulation

* Fireproofing

2. Look for signs of damage.

* Asbestos fibers can be released into the air when materials are damaged or disturbed. Some signs of damage that may indicate the presence of asbestos include:

* Frayed or torn insulation

* Cracked or damaged ceiling tiles

* Loose or damaged floor tiles

* Holes in vinyl sheet flooring

* Missing or damaged roofing shingles

* Loose or damaged siding

* Exposed pipe insulation

3. Get a professional inspection.

* If you suspect that your material may contain asbestos, it is important to have a professional inspection conducted. A qualified inspector can take samples of the material and have them tested for asbestos.

4. Take precautions if asbestos is present.

* If asbestos is found in your material, it is important to take precautions to prevent the release of asbestos fibers into the air. Some precautions that you can take include:

* Do not disturb the material.

* Wet the material with water before removing it.

* Wear a respirator and gloves when working with the material.

* Dispose of the material properly in a sealed container.

5. Be aware of the risks of asbestos exposure.

* Asbestos exposure can cause a number of health problems, including lung cancer, mesothelioma, and asbestosis. It is important to take precautions to prevent exposure to asbestos if it is present in your material.

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