What are the most common causes of cerumen impactation?
1. Excessive earwax production. Some people naturally produce more earwax than others. This can be due to factors such as age, ethnicity, and genetics.
2. Narrow ear canals. Narrow ear canals can make it more difficult for earwax to migrate out of the ear. This can be a congenital condition or it can be caused by ear injuries or inflammation.
3. Dry earwax. Dry earwax is more likely to accumulate and form a blockage than moist earwax. This can be caused by factors such as aging, certain medical conditions, and medications.
4. Using cotton swabs. Cotton swabs can push earwax back into the ear canal, where it can become impacted.
5. Wearing hearing aids. Wearing hearing aids can block the natural migration of earwax out of the ear canal.
6. Swimming and water exposure. Swimming and water exposure can soften earwax and cause it to swell, which can lead to impaction.
7. Certain medical conditions. Certain medical conditions, such as eczema and psoriasis, can cause the skin in the ear canal to become dry and flaky, which can lead to earwax impaction.