How to Repair Decayed Teeth
Filling Process
Visit your dentist if your teeth begin to hurt or feel sensitive, or if you haven't had a check-up recently. You can usually tell if you have tooth decay by looking in the mirror, depending on the severity of the case, but you also might not be able to tell. Play it safe and go to the dentist.
Allow your dentist to numb the area around the decay if you do, in fact, have a cavity. This will make the rest of the procedure less painful.
Allow your dentist to drill the decayed area, removing the crevice. He or she will then clean the cavity. This will cause a bit of an uncomfortable, sensitive feeling, but the end result will make you glad you did it.
Allow your dentist to fill your cavity with a permanent sealer. This basically becomes part of your tooth and closes off the once-dangerous cavity. Only have white filling put in your cavity. It will blend in with your tooth after repair.
Cavity Prevention
Brush your teeth. This is one of the most important habits for everyone. Your dental health is extremely important and often goes overlooked. Brushing twice a day for several minutes at a time on all parts of your teeth will make a huge difference.
Proactively quit smoking. Smoke is one of the biggest tooth-decaying habits. The smoke clings to the enamel on your teeth and, if enough cigarettes are smoked, can cause damage to the teeth.
Maintain a low-sugar, low-carb diet. Cavities are most likely to happen in people who eat high-carbohydrate foods, starches and sugars. Soda, candy, cake and salty snacks are all bad for your teeth. Keep these to a minimum in your diet, according to Dental Gentle Care.
Floss regularly. Every day is a safe schedule to keep. According to Save Your Smile, flossing allows you to remove the tartar build-up between your teeth, protecting your teeth from decay and saving you lots of money on cavity reparation. This is one of the most important things you can do to prevent tooth decay.