How to Help Cure Bad Breath
Brush your teeth three times a day, and preferably after you eat. Two times at the least, try to go three times if you have chronic bad breath problems. Brush throughly and floss well. Don't just brush the front of your teeth. A lot of people don't brush their teeth thoroughly. You must brush all sides of your teeth. Get the front, side, and backside of your teeth. Brush your gums and tongue as well. Bacteria can build up there as well. I'd try to brush after you eat. That way bacteria from food can't build up. Sometimes it's difficult to do it after you eat. For example, brush your teeth after you eat breakfast in the mourning, or have your morning coffee. Don't forget to floss your teeth, since food particles get stuck between your teeth. Colgate seems to be a pretty good toothpaste brand. Helps fight plaque, gingivitis, tartar build-up and cavities as well.
Avoid foods that cause bad breath and eat foods that help bad breath. Garlic and onions are the first foods that come to mind that cause bad breath. Coffee and alcohol can trigger bad breath problems as well. Foods that are really high in protein, with strong odors stick to your mouth. Some foods are important to get into your diet. Garlic is quite healthy. Maybe when eating these foods specifically, you follow it up with a oral cleanup.
Foods that are rich in Vitamin C can help fight bad breath. Nutrition can be a great way to maintain fighting bad breath. Berries, melons mango, broccoli, peppers, nectarines, grapefruit, oranges, guava, and lemon. Good herbs that help fight halitosis are parsley, tarragon, spearmint, and rosemary. A lot of fruits and vegetables in your diet will eliminate bad breath. Drink green tea, since it helps avoid bacteria to sticking to your teeth.
Use a good mouth wash. It's best to use an antiseptic mouth wash that helps kill germs, and reduce plaque. Try using a minty mouth wash, to give it that extra taste to help support good breath. Mouth wash alone shouldn't be used to eliminating bad breath. Swish mouth wash inside your mouth for about 30 seconds after each time you brush your teeth. Don't swallow the mouthwash.
Use breath mints, chew gum, and drink water daily. Saliva is been said to help fight bad breath. Saliva can wash out bacteria and odors in the mouth. Chew gum daily. Also, using breath mints is another great way to eliminate bad breath. An overlooked way to improve bad bread is drinking water. Water keeps your mouth moist, and contains no odors at all. It washes away food particles and bacteria in the mouth. Keep your mouth moist and avoid dehydration. It will help eliminate bad breath problems.
Get regular dentist checkups. Especially if you have chronic bad breath problems. A regular dental hygiene from a dentist can really help with bad breath. They can also recommend professional advice, and ways to eliminate bad breath. From toothpastes to use, brushing techniques, to what mouthwash to use.