Open Bite Treatment

An open bite is a fairly common dental problem in which the teeth on the bottom and top of the mouth do not touch. It is caused by problems like TMJ (tension in the trans-mandibular joint) or chronic thumb sucking in early childhood. There are several different approaches for open bite treatment.
  1. Braces

    • Wear braces. The wires attached to the individual braces on each tooth exert a pressure on the teeth that, over time, causes the teeth to shift and the open bite to close. When the orthodontist adjusts your braces, avoid hard biting and use a sensitive teeth toothpaste for a few days, because the adjustment tends to make the teeth sore and just a teensy bit loose. Commit to extremely good oral hygiene, because plaque, food particles and bacteria can build up on the teeth around the bases if the teeth are not kept clean. This can cause cavities and other oral problems such as gum disease.


    • Wear headgear that exerts pressure on the teeth or entire jaw. Sometimes the headgear is worn only at night, which makes it a little less conspicuous. The headgear, like braces, is custom fit to the wearer and may need adjustment as the teeth and/or jaw shift(s). This method may be best if the teeth are straight and do not need to be moved to correct angle or positioning; it is associated more with open bites that are the result of jaw issues rather than habits like pushing the teeth with the tongue or thumb sucking.

    Blocks and Magnets

    • Bite blocks work to keep the jaw and teeth from moving in a particular way or direction, thereby training the jaw and teeth into a closed bite position. Magnets do the same thing. With these, the repelling force of the magnet is used to guide the teeth and jaw the way they need to move. These may be used in conjunction with headgear.


    • Some cases of open bite are caused by particular behaviors. The best example is thumb sucking. Stopping these behaviors is an effective open bite treatment for such cases because it immediately stops the cause of the open bite. The bite may not get better without additional treatment methods like braces or headgear, but behavior modification can guarantee that the open bite will not get any worse. Speak with your dentist or orthodontist to determine exactly what has caused your open bite, since behavior modification will not work in instances where the open bite is caused by a physical problem.


    • Going under the knife is the most drastic of all open bite treatments, as it often involves surgical repositioning of the jaw. The recovery time for this treatment is longer than for other treatment methods, and you may need to take pain medications and eat very soft foods until you heal. This method uses braces prior to surgery to put teeth into a post surgery position, so it's a long process.

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