Night Mouth Guards Comparisons
The two most common functions for night mouth guards are to prevent tooth grinding and snoring. Tooth grinding is a chronic problem in which a person clinches their jaw and shifts her teeth back and forth against each other while asleep. Tooth grinding can cause sever jaw pain while awake, and can also result in permanent tooth damage. A mouth guard keeps the teeth from touching each other making it impossible to grind one's teeth. Snoring is not a dental problem; however, it has been found that specially designed mouth guards can prevent snoring in some people. The mouth guard holds the jaw in such a position as to keep the throat and nasal passages more open, allowing air to flow more freely through the nose and mouth.
There are three basic types of mouth guards. The first type is intended primarily for preventing sports injuries. This type of guard may come in two or three mouth sizes, but there is no way for it to be fitted to match any one individual's tooth pattern. Though intended for preventing sports players from injuring their teeth, some people have tried to use them for preventing tooth grinding, with very limited success. The second type of guard is called heat and mold. It may also be bought over the counter, but it is designed to be heated in boiling water and then molded to an individual's teeth. This type of guard is primarily intended for preventing tooth grinding, though there are some models (usually only available abroad) designed for snoring as well. Many people find them to be at least somewhat effective. The third type of guard is only available with a prescription form a dentist or doctor, and must be custom-made for the patient. These units are the most effective, but are also quite expensive.
Custom-made mouth guards are designed to perfectly fit the patent's mouth. These types of guards are precisely fitted to hold the jaw in the desired position. They also tend to be quite durable and easier to clean. Often they will also have tiny holes in the front to make it possible for the patient to breathe through the mouth. The heat and mold type of guards do fit reasonably well, but are not nearly as precisely as a custom-fitted device. They also usually wear out quickly and must be replace every 3 to 6 months.
Over-the-counter mouth guards usually come in three sizes: small, medium and large. Therefore, they will fit well for some people, but for others they may not, potentially resulting in increased discomfort. Only the custom-made units can be expected to form a perfect fit, and so for some patients this will be the only practical option.
The main considerations are cost versus effectiveness. For those with relatively minor issues, the heat and mold variety may be fine. However, one should keep in mind that it will be necessary to purchase a new one every few months, and this cost can add up over time.
If you have a chronic problem, or one that is seriously painful or disruptive, you should always consult a dentist or doctor rather than attempting to solve the problem on your own. If cost is a concern, discuss this with the doctor as well, and ask her opinion of any over-the-counter remedies you are considering.