How to Identify Abnormal Shaped Tooth
Things You'll Need
- Mirror
How to Identify Abnormal Shaped Tooth
Look in the mirror. The first sign of an abnormal shaped tooth will be visual. Unfortunately, a majority of the abnormally shaped teeth end up being in the front. Compare the tooth in question with the shape of the tooth on the opposite side of your mouth. If it is a different shape, then it is abnormally shaped. The other tell-tale sign of an abnormal shaped tooth is when you bite down, your teeth should fit naturally. If they don't, you may have an abnormal shaped tooth.
Pay close attention to any pain or discomfort you may be feeling in your mouth. You’ll be able to tell the difference between a normal ache of the tooth or gums and a problem caused by an abnormally shaped tooth. It will cause pressure to build up against your other teeth.
Get a flashlight and shine it into your mouth as you look in the mirror. Some abnormally shaped teeth may be hiding in the back. You’ll probably only really be aware of them if they cause you some pain or discomfort. If you have noticed this discomfort, then you have already gone through step two.
Ask a close friend or family member to look in your mouth. If you don’t have access to the mirror and can’t feel anything particularly strange but you still have a suspicion that your tooth is abnormal, ask someone else to look for you. They can see into your mouth from a lot of angles that you can’t, and because they are close to you, you won’t feel too embarrassed about it.
Visit your dentist to see what can be done. The problem may be correctable with braces, but most likely you will have to get the tooth pulled and have it replaced with a false tooth. The false tooth won’t be obvious. It’ll blend right in. Dentistry has come a long way since the days of George Washington’s wooden teeth.