How to Relieve TMJ Headaches
Things You'll Need
- Splint or mouth guard
- Relaxation techniques
- Pain relievers
- Good posture
- Awareness
Wear a splint or mouth guard at night to prevent teeth grinding. Grinding your teeth at night is one of the main causes of headaches associated with TMJ.
Exercise your jaw to prevent headaches. Keep your mouth closed and pretend you are chewing a piece of gum. Try to keep your jaw straight while you do the exercise. This exercise helps to realign the jaw in many cases.
Stretch regularly. Stretching your jaw by opening it as wide as you can several times a day helps to alleviate headaches. However, you also need to stretch your entire upper body. Stretch the neck from side to side. Hold your arms out and stretch your shoulders as well.
Alleviate stress in your life. Stress agitates TMJ causing more headaches. Start a yoga class, take cleansing breaths, meditate, or take a hot bath. Find a way to relax and ease stress.
Take pain relievers when needed. If over-the-counter pain relievers don't work, talk to your doctor about getting a prescription for some muscle relaxers.
Stand up straight. Good posture will help to combat TMJ headaches as well.
Don't clench your jaws. Pay attention to ensure you don't clench your jaw when you are frustrated, angry or scared. Clenching leads to headaches.
Schedule a consultation with your dentist. A dentist is the most qualified person to help you determine the proper treatment plan and help you set it into action.