How to Fill in a Tooth Gap for Photos
Visit an orthodontist and get fitted for braces. Braces will eventually close the space between your teeth, though this could take several months or even several years to accomplish.
Consider a more radical solution: porcelain veneers. An orthodontist or dental surgeon will bond small pieces of porcelain to the outside of your teeth, giving them the size and shape you desire. This is a more complicated procedure that may involve shaving or carving your existing teeth.
Place a little bit of white dental wax into the gap between two teeth. As long as the photo isn't a close-up, it shouldn't be too noticeable, particularly if the gap is small. This works especially well in large family photos where you're just a small element.
Use photo-editing software to digitally edit out the gap after the photo is taken. If you're familiar with the use of these software programs, you could try doing it yourself. Otherwise, take the photo or image file to a professional retoucher.
Stop worrying about it. What you see as a major flaw, others might see as an endearing trait that makes you truly you. A little gap isn't necessarily unattractive.