Cures for Soft Enamel
Good treatment includes foresight and prevention. Avoid getting or making your soft enamel worse by refraining from excessive sugar, and especially from soft drinks. If you stop drinking them, it can go a long way to ensuring that your enamel remains strong and healthy. By cutting back the amount of soda you drink, your enamel can even strengthen again over a period of time. The same can be said for anything with high amounts of sugar. The bottom line is that the more you reduce your sugar consumption, the better off your teeth will be, because your enamel will remain strong. By the same token, you should try to increase the amount of milk you drink, because calcium is great for keeping your teeth healthy and your enamel intact.
Flouride and Dental Treatments
The first thing you should do to treat enamel loss is to visit your dentist regularly. Treatments for damaged enamel vary greatly depending on the level of damage to your teeth. If the damage is moderate, dentists usually use fluoride varnishes on damaged teeth to help naturally restore enamel. If damage to the enamel is severe, however, restorative cosmetic treatments are the best way to go. This can mean anything from tooth bonding to crowns, dental porcelain veneers and even complete mouth reconstruction in the worst cases. Before complicated treatments like these, however, a dentist needs to look at your teeth and evaluate the level of enamel damage.
Flouride Rinses
Once you have had your teeth treated, it is important to maintain your enamel, so you don't end up in the dentist's chair again. Fluoride rinses are ideal for treating soft enamel on an ongoing basis. Fluoride essentially acts in the same way as calcium does--you can go a long way to keeping your teeth healthy and restoring damaged enamel simply by rinsing your mouth with fluoride twice a day.