Why Do I Have White Spots on My Teeth?
Dental fluorosis is the result of consuming too much fluoride in earlier years. The condition is permanent, but so far only appears to be cosmetic damage. The spots cannot be removed, but it's possible to hide them through procedures such as teeth whitening.
Tooth Decay
Sometimes, white spots on your teeth may be the first signs of teeth deterioration. This is called decalcified enamel and the spots may be the locations where the cavity will eventually form. If you suspect that this is the case, contact your dentist immediately.
Potential Cavities after Braces
If you have recently had braces removed, you may notice white spots on your teeth. Sometimes braces make proper dental hygiene difficult and these white spots may be a build up of plaque and the beginning of cavities.
"Staining" from Braces
White spots may also appear in the shape of brackets immediately after removing braces. This is because plaque has been building up on the outside of your teeth, while the small areas, covered by the brackets, remained protected from bacteria. In this case, teeth appear to be stained and this can be fixed with standard teeth whitening.
Visit Your Dentist
Sometimes it's difficult to tell what white spots indicate and because they may be early signs of tooth decay, you should make an appointment with a dentist. The dentist can evaluate the damage and suggest treatments that are best suited for your situation.