Home Remedy for Teeth Tingling
Foods That Help Tingling
The most probable cause for tingling teeth are cavities that are either already there or just starting. Therefore. just after eating foods that can cause cavities, a good home remedy is to eat a little piece of Monterey Jack, cheddar, or Swiss cheese. According to the National Institute of Dental Research, cheese has the quality of reducing the production of bacteria which lead to decay. Eating peanuts is another good home remedy as they also prevent tooth decay. A handful of peanuts should therefore be eaten at the end of the meal and not necessarily immediately after every cavity causing food. Tea is a good home remedy that fights tooth decay since it is very rich in fluoride. There are some Japanese tea drinkers who are certain of tea's plaque fighting quality as well. Their recommendation is Kukicha tea, a relaxing, tasty, and caffeine free tea which can be easily obtained at an Asian market or health food store. The same tea bag of Kukicha tea can be used more than one time. Blackstrap molasses and sunflower seeds are a couple other home ingredients that stops tooth decay and associated symptoms. Drink a tablespoon of molasses dissolved in a little water and about a handful of raw, unsalted, shelled sunflower seeds every day to reduce the occurrence of tooth decay and all associated symptoms including tingling, according to "More Chicken Soup & Other Folk Remedies" by Lydia Wilen. There are some people who view teeth tingling as a sign of an impending sickness and start taking a little extra vitamin C just to be on the safe side.