How to Make a Grave for a School Project
Things You'll Need
- Low profile cardboard box
- Potting soil
- Sand
- Craft foam
- Sharp knife
- Gray spray paint
- Acrylic paint set with brushes
- Spray bottle of water
Select a cardboard box measuring 4 inches deep by 12 inches wide by 12 inches long. Ideally, you can use the top of a paper packing box. Fill it evenly with a 3 inch layer of sand.
Create a mound of potting soil in the very center of the sand-lined box. Make the mound approximately 3 inches high by 3 inches wide by 9 inches long. Round the mound off evenly to look like a freshly covered grave.
Carve a chunk of craft foam into a arch measuring 3 inches thick by 9 inches high by 6 inches wide. Use a sharp knife to carefully shape it into the shape of a headstone, evenly.
Hold a can of gray spray paint about 4 inches from the surface of the foam headstone. Spray evenly over the entire surface of all sides of the headstone. Let it air-dry for 2 hours.
Use a fine bristled paint brush and black acrylic model or artist's paint to create a design on the front broadside of the headstone. For example the standard "RIP" is ideal, but you can put a name or something silly on it if you want. The choice is yours. Use a stencil if necessary. Let it dry for 20 minutes.
Anchor the headstone into the sand directly at the "head" part of the mound of soil. Make sure the text part of the headstone faces the mound. Spray the soil and sand lightly with water to give it that eerie dark look.