Types of Geographic Tongue
Possible Causes
Although the specific cause of geographic tongue remains a mystery in 2011, the PubMed website suggests a link between the condition and a vitamin B deficiency. In addition, foods such as hot sauce and/or spicy chicken may lead to the condition. The irritation that these foods can cause to the tongue could lead to the loss of the papillae, or fine projections, that populate the tongue's surface.
The symptoms of this condition include a map-like appearance on the tongue's surface. Dentists also look for patches and lesions that move from day to day that are smooth and red. Soreness and pain may also be present.
Examination/Diagnostic Methods
On examination, a dentist looks in a patient's mouth and closely examines the tongue. The condition usually does not merit any further tests. However, the Brigham and Women's Hospital website suggests that if the doctor is unsure whether it is geographic tongue or a disorder that is far more serious, he may order a biopsy.
Although no cure exists for this disorder, treatment should be obtained in severe cases. For instance, if the symptoms becomes painful, apply lidocaine viscous, a numbing agent. In cases involving intense discomfort, ask your dentist about a steroid mouth rinse. Follow the prescription instructions; anything containing steroids can be harmful if used for longer periods than the time frame your doctor has advised.
When to Call a Doctor
Seek the advice of a doctor if any sore on your tongue lasts more than 10 days. Also consult a dentist if your tongue swells or if you experience difficulty in chewing or swallowing as these symptoms could indicate a life-threatening condition.