How to Diagnose a Black Tongue
Look at your tongue in the mirror. Black tongue is recognizably marked what appears to be a thin, black coat of hair on the back of the tongue, but can also be other colors, including yellow, green or brown. Although it is actually a bacterial overgrowth, it is sometimes called "black, hairy tongue" because the growth looks like tiny hairs.
Make a list of your other symptoms, which, in some cases could include a burning sensation on the tongue, a tickling on the roof of the mouth, and sometimes nausea or a gagging condition. Black tongue also causes bad breath, which is the most common symptom.
Visit your dentist or doctor. They can make a sound diagnosis based on your symptoms and the causes of the condition that you have engaged in recently.
Treat the condition with the treatment recommended by your doctor, which most likely will include vigorously brushing your tongue when you brush your teeth, or using a tongue scraper. Black tongue is not an infection and is not treated with antibiotics or other medicines.