How to Put a Tooth Back in a Denture Plate
Things You'll Need
- Latex gloves
- Denture repair kit
- Popsicle stick
- Toothpicks
- Mug or large cup
- Hot water
- Fine-grit sandpaper
Thoroughly clean and dry the denture plate, and the dislodged tooth.
Put on the latex gloves to protect your hands from the resin you will be mixing.
Pour the powder from the denture repair kit into the mixing tray.
Open the vial of liquid from the repair kit and squeeze the bulb, to completely fill the dropper.
Squeeze drops of liquid into the tray of powder -- counting each drop -- and stirring with a popsicle stick as you go. Most kits instruct you to use a certain number of drops, but you may need to add more than recommended, to achieve a creamy toothpaste texture.
Using a toothpick, quickly spread a small amount of the resin mix on the tooth, where it will meet the dental plate. Put the tooth into place, pressing firmly, and hold it there for five minutes.
Scrape away any excess resin that may squeeze out, using the clean end of the toothpick.
Fill the mug with hot, not boiling, water and soak the repaired dentures for ten minutes
Gently sand away any excess resin, taking care not to scrape the surface of the tooth. Wrap the end of the toothpick with sandpaper, to get at the small areas.