Common Problems With Realigning Dentures
When you first get dentures, your denturist takes an impression of your mouth and builds dentures that fit exactly where your teeth belong. Over time, however, your jawbone and gum tissue may deteriorate, causing dentures to slip or slide. This can cause gum soreness as the dentures slide around and irritate the tissue. You should visit your denturist and get your dentures re-aligned as soon as you notice fitting problems or gum soreness.-
Gums Too Sore
If the gums are too sore to make a new impression for the purpose of realignment, your dentist can affix a temporary cushion to the underside of the dentures. Cushioning can be made out of resin, wax, or other soft materials. Cushioning helps the dentures fit better so that the gums can heal, at which point your dentist can re-align your dentures.
Gum Infections
If you do not clean your gums and dentures regularly, your gums can become infected. Gums sore from misaligned dentures are especially prone to infections because they are already unhealthy. If your gums are sore because of poor-fitting dentures, remove your dentures and allow the gums to breathe. You should also clean your dentures and gums with warm water nightly, especially if your gums are sore.
Difficulty Speaking
If your dentures do not have proper alignment, you might have difficulty speaking clearly. Your dentures might also make unwanted whistling or smacking sounds when you talk. If you experience either of these problems, especially if you also have difficulty chewing, you should visit your dentist and ask him to check your dentures' alignment.