What Are the Causes of Yellow Teeth Stains?

Your teeth are in a constant battle against staining. The foods you eat, what you drink and your lifestyle all contribute to the health of your teeth. Acidic foods and beverages can especially take a toll on tooth enamel. Daily brushing and flossing will help maintain a healthy mouth between regular check-ups with your dentist.
  1. Tobacco

    • Smoking and chewing tobacco will cause teeth to yellow. Nicotine is the ingredient that leaves hard-to-remove stains on tooth enamel.


    • Dark foods are able to stain teeth. Think berries, soy sauce, and balsamic vinegar. Light colored foods can also yellow teeth such as apples and potatoes. Anything that has food-coloring is also a culprit.


    • The classic culprits of teeth staining drinks are coffee, tea, sodas and wine. Any dark juice is capable of staining, too. Follow a teeth-staining beverage with a glass of water to help rinse out the mouth if you are unable to brush right away.


    • It is an unfortunate fact that your tooth enamel wears off as you age. This causes a discoloration, making your teeth less than perfectly white. If you were dealt good genes, you may have less discoloration than others.

    Physical Trauma and Disease

    • Teeth may turn yellow or discolor if they have been traumatized, cracked or broken. Yellowed teeth may be a symptom of disease as well as certain radiation treatments.


    • Teeth naturally build up plaque throughout the day as you eat and drink. The bacteria in your mouth create the plaque and can lead to tartar build-up if plaque is not removed through routine brushing and flossing.

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