Xerostomia Symptoms
The onset of chronic bad breath is known as halitosis. You may develop halitosis as a result of xerostomia. One purpose of saliva is to wash away bacteria from the mouth. If your salivary glands malfunction and your mouth is frequently dry, bacteria remains on tissues in your mouth. This causes a persistent lingering breath odor.
Periodontal Disease
Periodontal disease, also called gum disease, is caused by excessive plaque that accumulates under the gum line. It causes your gums to swell and recede from your teeth. Your gums may appear red and inflamed, accompanied by pus. Periodontal disease can be caused by xerostomia. When your mouth is dry, there is no saliva to wash away plaque and protect your teeth. Accordingly, bacteria and plaque accrue underneath your gum line and cause the onset of infection.
Xerostomia may cause cavities to develop in your mouth. Saliva washes away harmful bacteria and plaque from your teeth. If the saliva glands are not working properly and your mouth is continually dry, a large amount of plaque and debris remain on your teeth, causing tooth decay.
Eating Problems
Xerostomia can cause problems with chewing and swallowing. Certain crunchy foods, such as cereal or crackers, may be especially difficult to eat. Other foods that may pose a problem are meat, spicy foods, and any foods that require thorough chewing. The lack of saliva creates difficulties in swallowing, since there is not enough moisture to help you wash food down your throat. You may notice that soft foods, such as mashed potatoes or soup, are easier to swallow.
Other Symptoms
The most prevalent and noticeable symptom of xerostomia is an extremely dry and sticky mouth. This main symptom causes the onset of others. Your tongue may feel sore, and your lips may crack. Your sense of taste may be affected, which can cause familiar foods to taste different. Also, sores may form in the corners of your mouth.