How to Become a Successful Dental Office
Identify a target audience for your dental office. For example, if you live in an area that has a large population of middle-aged to elderly people, consider focusing on periodontics. The risk of periodontal disease increases as people age and more than 86 percent of people 70 years of age and older have at least moderate periodontitis, according to the University of Maryland. Meanwhile, consider emphasizing pediatric and orthodontic services if your area has a high population of young children.
Complete continuing education to stay on top of advancements in the field and to maintain your dental license/board certifications in specialty areas such as oral and maxillofacial surgery, prosthodontics and endodontics. Consider getting training in cosmetic dentistry, which is not a legally recognized dental specialty, and seek accreditation through the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry.
Keep your employees -- including dental assistants and licensed dental hygienists -- safe. Enforce requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration involving employees wearing personal protective equipment such as gloves, masks, goggles and gowns during patient procedures. Make sure employees understand Centers for Disease Control infection control procedures such as proper disinfection of dental surfaces, sterilization of instruments and disposal of hazardous wastes. In addition, teach your employees how to avoid needle sticks and other injuries that can expose them to blood-borne diseases.
Reward your employees with incentives such as monthly bonuses for reaching a target production amount. In addition, offer benefits such as paid-time off, free dental treatment and holiday bonuses to keep employees happy.
Advertise effectively. Hang posters of smiling individuals at your office rather than displaying pictures of tooth anatomies, inflamed gums or other images that can scare patients away. In addition, network often with other dentists who can refer patients to you for special treatments and create a professional and attractive website that advertises your services.