Uses for Laser Dental Treatment
Dental Fillings
Getting dental fillings is one of the most common reasons for visiting the dentist. With a laser dental treatment, half of the procedure is done. The laser replaces the anesthesia injection and the old turbine dental drill. It also kills bacteria hosted on the cavity, so the only thing left to do is fill the teeth with amalgams. Children love this high-tech tool especially due to its painless nature.
Treating Benign Tumors
There are several cases of tumors in the mouth, whether they're on the cheeks, palate, lips or gums. Laser can only treat benign tumors. If these develop and grow, the cancer will need a stronger treatment. In cases of benign tumors, the laser removes the infected tissue painlessly in a matter of minutes, preventing a possible cancer.
Teeth Whitening
Dentists commonly use laser treatments to whiten and clean teeth. Bad hygiene, smoking or disease can cause teeth discoloration, making them look yellowish or brownish. With a good dental laser treatment, the problem can be solved immediately. This is one of the safest, most-effective use for dental laser treatments.
Laser dental treatment can be used to make frenulum. Frenulums are needed when an organ, in this case the tongue, has a dysfunctional movement. By attaching the tongue to a short fold of tissue, dentists can treat this condition and the patient can regain control the tongue's movement. A laser frenoctomy treatment is safe, because it doesn't cause wounds or secondary risks to the surrounding areas of the tongue.
Tooth Sensitivity
You know you have problems with your teeth when they hurt every time you drink cold or very hot water. Laser dental treatment can solve these problems, because it can treat the tubules inside the root canals of the teeth that cause the pain.