Instructions Following Wisdom Tooth Extraction

The third set of molars, or wisdom teeth, begin forming around age 10. By your mid-20s, the wisdom teeth are fully formed. Not everyone has wisdom teeth, but approximately 85 percent of those who do must have the teeth removed, primarily because there is simply not enough room in the mouth for them. When they are blocked by other teeth, wisdom teeth become painful and prone to infection. Dentists or oral surgeons extract such teeth, with their patients under general or local anesthesia. Recovery from the procedure can take a week to 10 days. To prevent infection, dry sockets and nerve damage, it is essential to follow the instructions of your dentist or oral surgeon after the extraction.


  1. First 24 Hours

    • 1

      Rest comfortably for the rest of the day. This is a good time to watch movies or read a book.

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      Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Do not drink hot beverages, alcohol, caffeinated beverages or soda.

    • 3

      Eat soft foods that do not require chewing. Good choices are applesauce, yogurt, room-temperature soup, pudding and gelatin.

    • 4

      Manage your pain by taking the prescribed medication or over-the-counter medications. Cold compresses and ice packs also help relieve pain and swelling.

    • 5

      Do not brush your teeth or use mouthwash.

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      Stay away from cigarettes and all tobacco products, which can delay healing.

    First Week

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      Begin gradually resuming normal activities the day after your wisdom tooth extraction. Avoid strenuous activity for the entire first week, however.

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      Drink normally. After the first 24 hours, you can have alcohol, coffee and soda. However, do not use a straw for at least week.

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      Eat a larger variety of food. When you are able to chew a little bit, begin eating foods that require a minimal amount of chewing. For the entire first week, avoid all hard, chewy and spicy foods.

    • 10

      Rinse your mouth every two hours with a mixture of table salt and warm water. Rinse after every meal as well. You can resume brushing your teeth, but because the surgical wounds are still fresh, be gentle around those areas.

    • 11

      Avoid chewing tobacco for the entire week. You are permitted to smoke 24 hours after surgery.

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