How to Explain Dental Sealants to Kids

Dental sealants are thin plastic coatings placed on the grooves of the chewing surfaces of the molar teeth. Many dentists recommend dental sealants for children to prevent bacteria and food from becoming impacted in the grooves of the teeth and causing decay. This information may be confusing for a child who may associate a trip to the dentist with fear and apprehension. Explaining the procedure before it begins may help put the child at ease and make the procedure go smoothly.


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      The blue markings on the chewing surface indicate where sealants go.

      Explain to the child that the dentist has recommended dental sealants to help protect him from getting food and bacteria stuck in the grooves of his teeth, which can lead to cavities. Tell him that the sealant is a thin invisible coating placed on each tooth where he chews; after the procedure is over, he will not see or feel it.

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      Child cooperating during dental procedure.

      Put kids at ease by letting them know that this is a painless procedure that does not require a shot and only minimal drilling if at all. It is also a very common procedure that the dentist can perform quickly when the child cooperates.

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      Remind the child that dentists do not apply sealants because there is a cavity but rather to prevent them. Reiterate to her that even if she has not always brushed or flossed, she has done nothing wrong.

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      Dentists have several instruments they may use to place sealants.

      Explain that while the instruments and materials the dentist is using during the procedure may look strange, they are safe and necessary. Usually, the dentist will describe what he will use each instrument for before he begins the procedure.

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      Ask kids if they have any questions regarding the procedure, and tell them that they can ask the dentist questions before the procedure begins.

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