How to Make Adjustments in a Removable Partial Denture
Remove the denture from your mouth and clean it thoroughly. Brush it with a denture brush that has bristles specifically designed for dentures. You can wash it with hand soap to clean away any debris or food particles that may result in discomfort. Then put the partial denture back into your mouth and see if it is still uncomfortable. If it is, it might need to be professionally adjusted.
Bring the partial removable denture to your dentist, who can refit it to your mouth and make any necessary adjustments. Trying to adjust it on your own without the proper tools or knowledge could break it and incur an extra cost for you in repairs.
Maintain the position of the dentures by keeping them in a glass or container of soaking solution or water. Dentures must be kept moist to maintain the proper shape of your mouth. Failure to do so could result in them needed to be adjusted more often.
Consult the dentist if your dentures become loose. Over time the partial removable dentures will loosen due to changes in your gum and bone. Partial dentures that are loose can cause sores and infections and should be adjusted as soon as possible by your dentist.