How to Get Dentures Free
Dentures can improve the quality of life for many people. Check your insurance coverage. Many insurance plans will cover dental treatment, but not the cost of dentures. However, there may be some exceptions. For children younger than 21, contact the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, as this may be covered under the state Children's Health Insurance Program, (SCHIP). For adults, discuss your options with your own dentist. If you can afford an installment payment plan, this may be an option.
Explore your state government website, as some grants may be available for dentures. This will vary among states. You will have to fill in an application form, but a grant does not have to be repaid. If your application is successful, you will be directed to a dentist who will carry out the work.
Contact your local dental school; it may be able to help with new dentures. Check if your health board has any options that you could pursue, particularly if you are retired, disabled or receive social security. Local churches may provide some financial help to meet denture costs. It is also worth approaching charities such as Rotary Clubs, Women's Auxiliary Clubs and Kiwanis.