Indications of Dental Implants

A dental implant is a synthetic tooth or teeth that are placed in the mouth to replace real teeth. Dental implants typically consist of a metal screw or post that is surgically attached to the jaw. Porcelain, ceramic or resin crowns are sculpted to resemble the tooth that they replace and are then cemented to the metal post. There are many reasons why a person would choose a dental implant.
  1. Filling in Gaps in Teeth

    • As anyone who has ever had braces can tell you, teeth will shift and move in your mouth. If you have an empty socket where a tooth once was, the remaining teeth can shift positions to close this gap. This can lead to long-term health problems and can alter your appearance. Filling the gap where a tooth once was can preserve your tooth structure.

    Denture Replacement

    • The loss of a tooth can cause the gums and jaw bone to degenerate in the area of the missing teeth. This can cause premature aging. Many people who have dentures notice this degeneration in the lower jaw once their dentures no longer fit properly. Ill fitting dentures can cause sores and restrict a person's ability to eat or talk. Partial dentures also may cause tooth damage to surrounding teeth. Dental implants can help a person look younger and improve the quality of their life.

    Patients Considering a Bridge

    • Bridges are similar to implants in that they are shaped of porcelain or resin and made to fit between your existing teeth. But unlike implants, bridges are held in place by being cemented to the teeth on either side of them. While implants help to prevent he jaw bone from deteriorating, the jawbone beneath a bridge will continue to deteriorate. This will cause your facial structure to change as well. A bridge may not work for areas where multiple teeth have been lost since a bridge must be cemented to surrounding teeth. Bridges also make it more difficult to care for natural teeth since you will not be able to floss between a natural tooth and a bridge.


    • Implants have an initial cost that is greater than other methods to fill a gap between two teeth. But over time, the cost of maintaining an implant is less than that of a bridge. Fixed bridges must on average be replaced every 10 years. By contrast, implants almost never have to be replaced.

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