Drawbacks to Dental Implants
High Cost
Dental implants are much more expensive than dentures or bridges. Depending on the condition of the gums and underlying bones, existing medical conditions and the number of teeth involved, the procedure can cost tens of thousands of dollars. Most insurance companies do not cover the cost of dental implants. This is a prohibitive factor for most people.
Long Procedure
Dental implants require at least a couple of surgeries and many visits to the dentist. The procedure involves cutting open the gums, drilling a hole in the bone underneath and then fixing the implant. Once the implant has healed, the patient has to wait for the implant to bond with the bone. This takes about four months for the lower jaw and six months for the upper jaw. After this time period, the dentist checks whether the bonding was successful. If it is not, the procedure has to be repeated. After successful bonding and healing, the gum is exposed again and a false tooth is placed over it. The entire process may take close to a year. The pain involved in the process is also tremendous, but patients can opt for anesthesia or sedation.
Not Suitable for Everyone
Dental implants are not the perfect option for all people. Implants require strong bones underneath the gums, which can provide adequate support. People who have bone loss or small bones may need additional surgery before installing an implant. Children and young people with developing bones or teeth are not eligible for the procedure. People who smoke have an increased risk of failure and may not be eligible for dental implants.
Risk of Failure
Dental implants have a high success rate, but there is always a small chance of complications. The implant may fail to bond with the bone, leading to more surgery. In rare cases, the procedure can cause infection in the gums and surrounding tissue. If the implants are placed in the upper jaw, they may cause sinus problems. Lastly, dental implants require regular cleaning and care. Patients must visit their dentists on a regular basis and avoid putting excessive pressure on the implants.