How to Prepare for Dentures
Things You'll Need
- Copy of your dental insurance, including limits for dentures
- Brochures and pamphlets on denture choices
- Listing of denture providers in your area
- Copy of your dental records
Review your dental history and the reasons why you require dentures with your general dentist. Make sure to review your complete dental history and ask whether any of your natural teeth can be saved. Make sure to review your x-rays and other tests and past procedures with your dentist to make sure that you have done all you can to save your teeth.
Discuss the procedure for extracting your natural teeth and develop a plan. Talk to your dentist to decide whether you will have upper or lower teeth removed first. Ask what the consequences and dangers are of having all teeth removed at once. Have your dentist explain the procedure and what temporary device will be sent home with you on the day your teeth are extracted.
Ask your dentist to explain the types of dentures that are available. Ask to see and feel a sample to become comfortable with them. Write down information on prices and options if you are not prepared to make a decision immediately or if you need to contact your insurance carrier to learn whether your dentures may be covered under insurance as a result of an accident or illness.
Schedule the appointment for extraction and ask the dentist if you need to start a round of antibiotics prior to the surgery. Take all medications and follow the instructions provided by your dentist. Avoid injuring your mouth, gums, or teeth before surgery. Get a good night's sleep prior to surgery and show up for your appointment on time.
Take time to heal after surgery and follow all post-operative instructions provided to you. Do not rush the healing process and do not overexert yourself in the days following surgery.
Return to the dentist to be fitted for your dentures after you have healed from having your teeth extracted. Have the dentist put the dentures in your mouth for you the first time and show you how to remove them. Practice putting them in and taking them out in the office before going home. Take notes on how to care for and clean your dentures. Schedule a follow-up appointment for 2 to 4 weeks later to review the fit and feel of your dentures.